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Sarah & Squirrel the Cat

Writer: Valor CraftValor Craft

Our favorite thing is getting to see the impact our products at Valor Craft Performance have on our customers. Any story big or small means the world to us. Enjoy this testimonial written by Sarah Remp, cat mom of Squirrel who suffers from stomatitis.


My 1.5 yr old cat, Squirrel, was diagnosed with stomatitis back in December after an emergency trip to the vet when she started acting lethargic and I noticed her mouth quickly became swollen, and started to bleed. She acted a little funny here and there over the summer but quickly recovered in a day or two and the vet couldn't understand what was bringing her down. Well when I took her in December, they immediately saw she had a very bad oral infection due to stomatitis. Stomatitis is an autoimmune disease where the body is allergic to plaque that is formed in the mouth and causes inflammation to the gums, tongue, and Gi tract, wherever it makes contact. In turn the inflammation often turns to ulceration and quickly gets infected and causes abscesses. Being the cannabis advocate that I am and knowing about autoimmune diseases and the endocannabinoid system... I immediately started looking for a reliable, trustworthy, and affordable source for her to get her on at least CBD oil. Most people I know wanted to sell it to me in bulk. That wasn't really in my budget. LOL, BUT, Any who, in the meantime she was on heavy antibiotics and she improved a little. When we couldn’t maintain heavy antibiotics, we were right back to an abscess and bleeding mouth and she was down to 3lbs by that point and I thought we were going to lose her because even though she tried to eat and drink, her mouth was so swollen it was pretty much impossible for her to do so. Another trip to the ER with her and they wanted to do a full dental extraction and we discussed that she couldn't stay on antibiotics because it will ultimately kill her liver and kidneys. I had to find some oil!!!! I put up an SOS on my Facebook to see if I could find any local options. I did not want to wait on ordering online and wait on delivery because this was life or death for her at this point and she needed it asap. I was also in the process of moving 5 hrs. away and didn't want it lost in the mail. A mutual friend tagged Steve, from Valor Craft Performance, and within about an hour of chatting with him, I was on the road for a 2.5 hr. trip to Steve because he had a bottle of your Valor Craft K9 CBD oil on hand. He was so wonderful and helpful. He processed my payment, gave me a quick run down on the company (I'm so happy to support your mission and our Veterans) and I was on my way back to Squirrel. It took about 2 days of antibiotics and CBD oil to see a big improvement. After the antibiotics were done, she started flaring up again. So I decided to double her dosage from what it suggested on the bottle. She did better but wasn't 100% yet. I continued to up her dose to see if it helped. I knew it was nontoxic for her and whatever her body didn't need, it would just dispose of naturally. Ultimately, she became stable without flare ups on 12 drops of the K9 CBD. She became very happy and active and started gaining weight back quickly. WOO! Just like magic. If it wasn't for your company's dedication and Steve's quick response... I know we would have lost our little kitty for good. I can't thank you enough. I've told everyone about Valor Craft and Squirrel 's progress. People are blown away by her impressive improvements and often say how we saved her life.

Here are before and after pictures!

I honestly can't thank you all enough. Poor little girl has been through a lot in her short life. Thrown from a moving car at 3 weeks old (that's how we ended up with her), chronic upper and lower respiratory infections, developmental issues (teaching her to eat and jump). She's finally flourishing with your help.

Thank you!


Sarah Remp


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